Bug fix: Failure when connecting to FTPS server that supports client certificates with translation that uses multi byte encoding.
Bug fix: Keyboard cues were shown in toolbar buttons drop down menus even when the menu was dropped down with mouse.
Bug fix: Sort > By Type icon for was incorrect.
Bug fix: Hang after receiving multiline response from FTP server.
Bug fix: Preventing another application (or WinSCP instance) stealing the selected tunnel port.
Bug fix: Ignoring disconnect messages from the server while closing the connection.
Automatically resume transfer when TLS re-key fails.
URL with known S3 API hostname ( s3.,, ) is interpreted as S3 protocol, instead of WebDAV.
Workaround for specific encoding of special characters in filenames by OneDrive WebDAV interface.
Allowing use of the stream returned by Session.GetFile from a different thread.
Allow downloading a file from an FTP server via a symbolic link in scripting or when handling a URL.
Disabling multipart uploads with S3 protocol on Google Cloud they are not supported there.
The enumerable returned by Session.EnumerateRemoteFiles implements the interface implicitly to allow access to the interface method ( GetEnumerator) from late-bound languages, like PowerShell.
TLS/ SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1k.
Bug fix: Sort > By Type icon for was still incorrect.
Bug fix: Files saved in external editors are not uploaded in timezones behind UTC.
Bug fix: Moving a transfer to background just in between two individual file transfers cancels the transfer.
Bug fix: PuTTYgen mis-writes OpenSSH private key format for some Ed25519 keys.
Replaces Windows Pageant’s IPC with named pipes.
PuTTYgen now supports alternative provable-prime generation algorithm for RSA and DSA.
Upgraded default SSH key fingerprint format to OpenSSH-style SHA-256.
Pageant now supports loading a key still encrypted, and decrypting it later by prompting for the passphrase on first use.
SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.75.
Support for PPK version 3 keys from PuTTY 0.75.
Hieronder is de changelog van alle versies uit de 5.18-serie tot nu toe te vinden. WinSCP is niet alleen als een opzichzelfstaand programma beschikbaar, maar ook als plug-in voor de programma's FAR en Altap Salamander. Het programma ondersteunt ftp, secure ftp en het oudere scp-protocol. Met dit opensourceprogramma kunnen op een veilige manier bestanden tussen twee computers worden gekopieerd. Versie 5.18 van WinSCP is al een tijdje in ontwikkeling en inmiddels is de derde release candidate verschenen.